Breaking Free

Break Free and Your Potential is Unlimited

You can choose to continue living your life like a little shadow, which runs across the field of your potential every day and then simply disappears when the sun sets. Or you can make the choice today to begin taking the strides necessary to finally invite your full potential to shine.

When you make this choice, you will finally begin living a life of meaning and fulfillment. You will leave an indelible mark on everyone you touch.

Explore and Express your Potential

Dare to explore, the limits of your potential? Do you believe that your potential is limited only by what you believe is possible for YOU? Are limits real or are they self-imposed? Do you, in fact, have any limits at all?

RELATED READ: The Secret To Becoming More Successful

Set your imagination free and dream of all your possibilities. Your thoughts, words, and actions predict your future

Unless you do something, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

Until you choose to take daily consistent action and accept 100 % responsibility for how your future will unfold, something amazing is going to happen; NOTHING!

If you no longer want to remain trapped in a life of average, stop making excuses for delaying the action you know is necessary to live your dreams and realize your business goals. Become enthusiastic about your potential right now. Create a clear picture of what you want to achieve, see this as not only an obtainable reality but an achievable reality for you.

Ignite your spark of possibility

When you apply consistent, inspired energy and create both a positive and expectant outlook; you will start to see your dreams turn into your reality.

Choose to ignite your spark of possibility today, by accepting that you have unlimited potential locked inside you. Unlock this potential, by taking small, consistent inspired steps every day toward discovering what you are capable of achieving.

Every small victory you experience will brighten the light within you and show you anything is not only possible but that it is possible for you. It is all within your potential.  You truly are magnificent and capable of achieving greatness. Believe in yourself and your ability, the doors of possibility open up for you.

How you can start making it Happen for you

  1. Values and the people around you: Create a set of great personal values and surround yourself with the right people, who can form your support system.
  2. Believe in your sense of Purpose: Have an optimistic spirit and develop a strong purpose, which you completely believe in.
  3. Your thoughts should inspire actions: Accept that as you set your imagination free and consistently take inspired daily action; you will see your dreams unfold, day by day as they gradually turn into your reality.
  4. See possibility and opportunity will appear: Possibility plays a massive role in every aspect of our lives. When you create a really deep belief in your own potential and consistently take inspired daily action, the world opens up to you and you light the spark of possibility.
  5. Just let yourself BE: Unleash your own unique gift today, allow that light which shines from within you to shine its spark of greatness on the world. Accept that you can and will make the world a more beautiful place. Have the courage to set your light free and accept the responsibility for success. The world is waiting for you to express your light and free your potential.

Your aptitude will merely assist your altitude, but your consistent good attitude will create the altitude that is conducive to your potential. Possibility plays a massive role in every aspect of our lives.

RELATED READ: Progress Is the Key to Success

When you create a really deep belief in your own potential and consistently take inspired action, the world opens up to you and you light the spark of probability. Good things come to those who wait. Great things come to those that get off their butts and make things happen.

Good things come to those who wait. Great things come to those that get off their butts and make things happen.


  • Andrew Horton

    Andrew Horton is one of the most sought after Motivational Speakers and Motivational Sales Speakers in South Africa. He is a successful entrepreneur, Master Sales Trainer, Global Traveller and Author, who has chosen to focus his energy on inspiring sales and business professionals, supporting them to realize their full potential and become peak performers. Horton Andrew