Work From Anywhere You Want

Information Marketing Business Flexibility?

How much flexibility do you have in your information marketing business?

One of the biggest advantages of the Information Marketing business is that it truly is a business you can do from anywhere. With business flexibility, you’ve got to ask, does your business allow you to work from anywhere you want.

Sometimes things happen and you have to be away from your business for periods of time. Sometimes, events come up that require you to be away unexpectedly. Even when I have appointments on my calendar, and it’s great to have the flexibility to be able to go handle situations or to support a family member, and still not miss a beat in your business.

If you can do that without rescheduling a bunch of things because you can do business with a phone and a laptop or an iPad; or some other kind of tablet or device like that.

You don’t have to miss coaching and consulting client’s calls.

Whether you have an information marketing business or you have a brick and mortar business, you should think about whether or not you have your business set up in a way that allows you to do things in your life as they happen and as they come up, that you want to be doing. That’s why you opened your own business, right? You wanted freedom, You wanted to make more money – or at least have some control over it, you wanted the time and freedom and do the things you want to do.

So, if you’re missing out on things with your kids, or things with your spouse or partner because of your business – and it’s happening on a regular basis, you might want to think about how you have things set up in your business.

You don’t need to get a new business, or be in the information business (but it’s a great adjunct and it’s a great lifestyle business).

How can you make your business meet your lifestyle?

Have you ever been told you live to work?

Most people work to live.

How much flexibility do you currently have in your life and business? How much would you like to have in your life, to be able to do more fun things, to be able to travel, or own another home or buy an RV or jewellery, or more time with your kids?

It doesn’t have to be about things, because in the long run, it’s not the things that are important, it’s the time that you get and the time freedom you have.

Share your thoughts and experiences; I would really like to know what flexibility your business affords you.


  • Diane Conklin

    Diane Conklin is the founder of Complete Marketing Systems whereas a marketing and business strategist she specializes in showing entrepreneurs and small business owners how to use direct response marketing to integrate their online and offline marketing strategies, media and methods, to get maximum results from their marketing dollars so they consistently outperform their competition by measuring their marketing and strategically using multi-media campaigns to stand alone in their marketplace as the go-to provider for their products and services. Conklin Diane